Konnichiwa, wat ashi no namae wa Cameron desu
31 Dec 2008
Last blog of 2008!
20 Dec 2008
Robert Patterson
16 Dec 2008
English Work.
14 Dec 2008
That cunt!
13 Dec 2008
Bored and waiting..
11 Dec 2008
Close friends.
9 Dec 2008
Sin City
5 Dec 2008
Locked out of my own house.
1 Dec 2008
1st December.
29 Nov 2008
Finally back!
18 Nov 2008
14 Nov 2008
Ahh! Thank fuck i have a mouse
5 Nov 2008
Nanowrimo and anniversary
4 Nov 2008
30 Oct 2008
OMG Hallowe'en tomorrow!
Tomorrow... is... hallowe'en! :O
I'm going to a party (of which I know nothing about) and hopefully, its fancy dress (if not, I will be anyway 'cos like, its hallowe'en init blud)
And, I'm thinking... because I have no costume ideas.. eitheer go as a pirate or zombie.
Now, now I know pirates are 'mazin... but for some unknown reason, me no wanna be a pirate, so zombie it is!
Whooh Zombie Cammy.
Pictures shall be soons x
28 Oct 2008
the fun of msn
i wanna riot
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:47):
white riot
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:47):
god racist
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:47):
fine rainbow riot
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:47):
thats worse!
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:48):
... why?
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:48):
now nether white nor black people can riot
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:48):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:49):
but then we cant riot against anyone because they are with you
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:49):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:49):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:49):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:49):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:49):
okay people who want to riot may riot
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:50):
thats better... but what if those in higher authority wish to riot?
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:50):
they may also riot
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:51):
but then the world would be in mayhem and run by racoons
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:51):
i think the racoons would be good world leaders
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:52):
well they would reduce the credit crunch but only because they all of our food will be recycled
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:52):
but what will we eat?
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:53):
old apple cores
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:53):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:53):
left over pasta
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:53):
oh yay
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:53):
lasagne that nobody liked
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:54):
i like lasagne
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:54):
not this one
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:54):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:54):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:56):
but what if the racoons discover speech find they like our rioting and join us ?
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:56):
then who will lead the country?
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:57):
the cockroaches
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:57):
... i fear then the world may be in trouble . .
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:57):
cockroaches just ant be trusted
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:58):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:58):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:58):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:58):
cockroaches cant be trusted!
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:58):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:58):
but ants can!
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:59):
ah i see
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:59):
we can help train the ants between our riots
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:59):
to destroy the roaches
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (21:59):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:59):
we may lose many an ant, but they shall win
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:59):
nah, enough ants will get killed by the roaches that we will rule again
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (21:59):
and the vicious cycle creates the ice age
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:00):
(gods etch-o-skatch end of the world)
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:00):
dear god weve destroyed world
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:00):
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:01):
yes leah, yes we have
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:01):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:02):
all down to the clash THEY MUST PAY!!
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:02):
they must indeed
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:02):
I know, we shall make a deal with god, god must give him an ironic name, like what?
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:02):
joe is an average name
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:02):
lets call him joe....
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:02):
he plays guitar..
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:03):
so joe ... strummer!
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:03):
lets call the singer joe strummer!
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:03):
that will make him pay!
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:04):
YAY . . . its time to pay JOE STRUMMER *evil giggle*
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:05):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:05):
im not sure this is a very just punishment for ending the world
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:06):
maybe not....
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:06):
how else can we make joe pay??
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:07):
give him a bad singing voice
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:07):
that kinda already there
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:08):
yeah well
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:09):
how else oh oh oh we could feed him to dolphins
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:09):
omg we could!
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:09):
but then the dolphines would be eaten by the japanese
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:10):
that would turn old school punk
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:10):
and cause a riot
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:10):
which just speeds up the effect
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:10):
ah thats not good
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:11):
hang on the japanese eat dolphins!
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:11):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:12):
that i did not know
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:12):
what else could we feed him to?
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:12):
that the japanese dont eat
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:13):
the ants so that they get higher in number so that they can rule while we are in a diabolic state
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:14):
what wont the roaches just return
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:15):
no becauase the ants will still be strong
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:16):
ah i see
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:18):
well, i have to leave you to ponder upon the meaning of joe strummer. Good bye my lover. Good bye my friend. You will rule the ants. You will rule the ants for me (because I will be so high up the authoritive scale i'll get you to rule them while I eat digestives)
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:18):
aww cant i have some digestives too?
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:18):
just one?
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:19):
.(Leah).---( White Riot )- says (22:20):
yay well i have to go now too so farewell *frenchword* *germanword* goodbye x
you shall have to insert a small irish imp inside of you, hten you can pull it off says (22:21):
so long my aquaintence
20 Oct 2008
Dear Diary...
Write about me feelings and what not.
But no, I shall not. My well being is abstract and so shall my actions be!
I use this blogging site rarely, as I know not what to say; the words never flow from the tips of my fingers like they would of someone of greater litteracy authority.
I have posted drawings on here- and a poem - so I think, I shall post everything here. Everything that is on my mind, shall come here. This will be like my external thoughts to the world, it shall be my way of showing everything to the internet.
here it goes...
Me releasing all of my thoughts....
' Sam came over after school today to film a film for OMGitsthenerdherd, and we made it like we were part of a proper scientific buisness... which inspires me. Tonight, I will be watching Fringe, so my scientific imagination will be running wild.
But I was thinking, I shall discuss this with sam tomorrow, but we could make a Blog on here as part of NH Labs International. We would post a blog most days as possible adding little scientific facts about the business, as a little log.
How cool will that be?
Nobody will read this but it is nice to read my thoughts.
Thanks for not reading!'
See, I can do that, it's pretty easy.
Oh i'm not done
' Today in English we found out we have to act as someone and we are tought stuff about body language and stuff, and concidering I didn't take drama (Unfortunatly) this is very useful to my videos,'
Okay, i think I am done for tonight.
*Later added*
Oh my god, I just thought of a good idea for a video. I need to write it here to remember.
It is like either me or Sam being old and it is like all 'Good memories should never go away, re-live them with this *stupid name here*,' and we do something like stick an ariel on our heads or something and then we are like ":O Its like we are there again!" and then it shows us fucking about but then it goes back to us being old but still doing crazy shit like jumping down stairs.
Yeah, sorry, i needed to write that.
19 Oct 2008
Covered by the golden leaves of the trees,
He hears the children play and laugh,
But he holds back the tears,
‘From what?’ you ask,
‘What makes him cry?
Is it joyous views of the past?
Or does sadness kill his high?’
He is walking back form his past school day,
Letting the wind do the work,
He knew that god would make him pay,
His phone call was just to jerk,
Jerk back his memories of being a rebel,
Not far back, he still is,
He always got himself into trouble,
And now the debt that’s paid is his.
He gets a call, saying his parents are dead,
The reasons are unknown,
He feels the blood rush to his head,
He feels himself unsown,
Its not his parents life he mourns,
But that of his own.
Before his heart began to ache,
After sixteen years of beating,
He was told something he can’t take,
And now he feels like fleeting,
He has to live with his auntie and uncle,
Two he has always feared,
Not because they are old and uncool,
But because- well- it’s weird.
He always felt an uneasy wave of death around them,
His mother said its untrue,
But he remembers the evil stench surrounds them,
He worries that he will be swallowed too.
“Oh how you have grown,” His hairy aunt laughed,
“I remember you were this tall,”
My uncle just looked and coughed,
As she stroked an invisible wall.
“We will take him now,” My small aunt gleamed,
Showing her yellow teeth,
“It shall be easier than it seemed,”
Does she have a heart underneath?
The counsiler left me standing in the door,
Their grins begin to turn,
I wish he could stay five minutes more,
Their anger begins to churn,
“Your hair needs cutting and you need a shave,”
My aunt said pulling my mop,
“You look so untidy, have you come from the grave?”
She hisses beating my top.
“You maybe quite tall, but also quite thin,”
My round uncle phlegm’s at the mouth,
“If we started a fight I would be sure to win,”
Welcome Mr. Scary of Plymouth.
“But, of course, I wouldn’t,”
He begins to confess,
“Mainly because I couldn’t.
Or my life would be a mess,
If it wasn’t for our father up in the sky,
You wouldn’t be here right now,
And neither would I,”
“It simply proves it,
Even gods make mistakes,”
“Your heart is a pit!
Filled with snakes!God never does wrong,
And you should’ve known,
And there is only one!
Now you should be thrown…”
“Now now, dearest,” She says to her spouse,
“This boy is young and stubborn,
And he hasn’t even set foot in our house,
So let him be welcome!
“Okay son, now remember this,
Every story has a moral,
This house is filled with solemnly bliss,
Every story has a moral son, every story has a moral,”
Now, remember that line,
As it will come to importance,
This story is mine,
Just like their heritance.
The dysfunctional family argued a lot,
His hair, his fashion,
His piercings the lot,
His vegan diet wasn’t let off the hook though.
When his foster parents hit him and screamed,
“You listen to the sound of the devil!”
It proved to him it seems,
Their feelings will never be level.
Although he was grounded every night of the week,
He stayed out late, working in jobs getting money,
He thought that his plan was sleek,
But his strict parents didn’t think it was funny.
They picked him up from school,
And watched him in his room,
He felt like a tool,
“I need the bathroom,”
He hoped this would work,
He snuck out of the window,
He ran with a smirk,
They would never know.
Although his belongings are still in his house,
He shall sleep on the streets tonight.
Although he never keeps tiredness out,
He will never stop to fight.
One final day, he goes back to their house,
And collects all of his belongings,
“You are never again leaving this house!”
They scream until his ears ring,
“Well that’s illegal, you see,
You cannot keep me hostage,
Imprisonment will put down on thee,
Can I go now?”
“No!” They cry,
“But I bought my own house, I no longer live here,”
They scream to the sky,
He chuckles as he leaves them there.
Every story has a moral,
This one doesn’t,
But does it need a moral?
Can a poem be a story?
To him it can’t be,
18 Oct 2008
12 Oct 2008
10 Oct 2008
An eventful MSN conversation
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:54):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:54):
what do you want for your birthday?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:55):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:55):
what do you want for your birthday?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:55):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:55):
really, nothing
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:56):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:56):
do you want a chicken?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:56):
lol oh cammy
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
do you want a brush
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
lazy eye surgeory
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
a cat
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:57):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
a bird
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
two cats
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:57):
red squirrel?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
a picture of a jester
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:57):
a red squirrel? sorry, out of those
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:58):
gave them all to scotland
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:58):
damn u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:58):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:58):
lol of all things
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:58):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:58):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:58):
jenga ftw
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:58):
Pokemon: Splashdown in cerulean city?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:58):
Sorry, out of jenga
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:58):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:59):
gave them to gym teachers
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:59):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:59):
do you want OJ the dog?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (20:59):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:59):
lewis' dog, called odd job
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (20:59):
I call it david bowie
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
both names fit really
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
Do you want my undying love?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:00):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
hang on I just got a message
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
oh, it says we are all out of stock
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:00):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:00):
how about me?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:00):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
oh sorry out of stock with them too
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
you can have a chinese replacement
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:01):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:01):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:01):
u or nothing
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
your an african person
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
no african?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
but they are good
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
the best you can get to the real thing
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:01):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:01):
but if you insist
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:02):
what about my life force?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:02):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:02):
you don't want my life force?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:02):
i want u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:02):
well, you can't give someone a force without pushing or pulling them anyway
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:03):
you want u?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:03):
you want a letter?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:03):
well thats asking for a bit much
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:03):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:03):
I know I guy so, with a few calls, it might work
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:03):
but you will need a back up plan
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:03):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:04):
so what is your wishlist? I'll try and get things from it
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:04):
i dont have a wishlish
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:05):
well, you do
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:05):
I know you want me, and U, but is there anything else?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:05):
i just want you
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
so you dont want the letter?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:06):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
for fuck sake
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
I just arranged for it and everything
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
hang on i'll have to call them back
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:06):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:06):
so you want me?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:06):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:07):
what about mia?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:07):
she has me in her name
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:07):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:07):
well, I have other me's. They arn't me but according to themselves, they are a 'me,;
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:08):
i just want u
no one else!
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:08):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:08):
I just told them its cancelled!
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:08):
not the letter
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:08):
then what do you mean?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:08):
you want a ewe?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
Well, you live on dartmoor
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:09):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
they are everywhere
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
just steal one
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:09):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
or do you mean yew?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:09):
i mean you
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
because that wouldnt be hard
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:09):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
but i'm sold out
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
we might be able to make a clone by sunday
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
but it would only be a feotus
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:09):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:09):
you can raise me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:10):
please no, i dont like kids
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:10):
but it would be me
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:10):
and I will love you like a mommy
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:10):
but still, u'd be a little kid
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:10):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:11):
oh, somebody just took their clone back
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:11):
you can have that if you want?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:11):
they said I was too queer
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:11):
i dont wanna clone of you
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:11):
but it is excactly the same
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:11):
well this one isn't, he seems to be damaged
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:12):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:12):
just a few eyes missing
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:12):
nothing that bad
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:12):
few eyes
how many does it have/did have?!
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:12):
well we install five extra so it can see you more
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:13):
three work while it restores itself, or 'sleep,'
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:13):
thats kinda creepy...
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:13):
well lucky for you, it only has three working now
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:13):
still thats one more than usual
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:14):
well its him or nothing
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:14):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:14):
and it is built into his tongue anyway
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:14):
you wont see it
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:14):
o_O thats freaky
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:14):
well its all you can get
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:15):
if you only want two eyes i'm afraid that i'm the only one with two
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:15):
ill go with nothing then
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:15):
so you don't want me?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:16):
i want you
not some creepy clone with 5 eyes
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:16):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:16):
and it was originally 7
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:16):
still just want you
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:16):
oh, aparently we have undying love back in stock
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:16):
do you want that?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:17):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:17):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:17):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:17):
no going back?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:17):
unless you are in stock at any point soon in the future
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:17):
i dont think so, i'm the manager im not for sale
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:17):
so do you want undying love?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:17):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:18):
oh, the un has rubbed off...
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:18):
take it back
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:18):
you said you would have it!
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:19):
undying love? yes
dying love? no!!
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
I have just been sacked
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:19):
so i can have you?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
Well, I have also been given all of the products that base around me and my ideas...
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
so you can have me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:19):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:19):
you can have my soul
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:19):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:20):
you can have my undying love
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:20):
you can have my complete attention
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:20):
and you can have a seven eyed clone
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:20):
lol great, i get the clone
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:20):
well, unless you don't want it. But clones have feelings too
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:20):
it will feel the same way as if you reject me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:21):
oh well?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:21):
but, if your willing to reject the clone, then your willing to reject me
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:21):
I take all of it back
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:21):
you can't have anything!
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:21):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:21):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:22):
not even me!
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:22):
i want you
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:22):
but you ruined it
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:22):
you are willing to destroy my clone which basicly is me exactly, just with hidden eyes
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:22):
so if I was in a freak accident, you would be willing to rid of me too
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:23):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:23):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:23):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:23):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:23):
its different
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:23):
no its not
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:23):
its dna is exactly the same
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:24):
so.. that doesnt mean anything to me
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:24):
he is me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:25):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:26):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:27):
lol look at what we have written from "what do you want for your birthday?" its insane
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:30):
just as insane as not loving me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:30):
i love u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:30):
no, you loved the original
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
he killed himself after he was sacked and you destroyed his life
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
I am all that is left
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
and you don't love me
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
If only clones can cry
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
oh wait they can because THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:31):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:31):
oh hunny
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:32):
why don't you love me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:33):
im pretty sure u dont have a clone hun, and also u havent lost ur juob, u never had a job
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:33):
I was a servant
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:33):
all of us were, other than the original
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:33):
u are the original, there is only one of u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:33):
there is now
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:34):
the others have been destroyed
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:34):
there never was more than one of u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:34):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:34):
but there were more of him
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:34):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:35):
do you want this to end?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:35):
i do indeed
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:36):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:36):
what do you want for your birthday?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:36):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:37):
oh, ok
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:37):
you wont have me
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:37):
i want you of course
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:38):
you said you want nothing
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:38):
it goes without saying that i want u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:39):
so you want me?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:39):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
what about my boyfriend
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
oh yeah i have a boyfriend your not meant to know about
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
he is called
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:40):
oh hunny
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
ok, so you want me>
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:40):
nothing else?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:40):
yes, nothing else
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:41):
so no love for you?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:41):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:41):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:42):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:42):
you can have love
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:42):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:42):
yes mine who else?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:42):
well, u'd say something witty if i didnt state it
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:42):
i honestly wasn't going to
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:43):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
your shocked?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
you don't know me?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
i dont think we can be together
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:43):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
im sorry
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
i better part from you
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:43):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:43):
you can have arnold
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:43):
hell no
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:44):
you don't even know what he looks like!
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:44):
so.. its not u
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:44):
do you want me that much?
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:44):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:44):
then im yours
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:44):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:44):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:45):
ok...im gunna go
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
your leaving me?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
i don't think we can be together
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:45):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
ok fine
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
but only if i can get you a present
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:45):
ok fine
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
alright then
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
sort your attitude out
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
with an attitude like that...
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:45):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
i dont think we can be together
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:46):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
sorry your mine im yours forever until nothingness right gotcha
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:46):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:46):
ok can i go?
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
i mean
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:46):
yes deary
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:46):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
See you on sunday so I can have a ginormungantus hug
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:47):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
that was violent
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
I dont think we can....
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:47):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:47):
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:47):
goodnight xxxx
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:48):
night night
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:48):
dont let the horses devour
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:48):
they are mutated in these parts
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:48):
Would somebody mind downloading a couple of songs for meh Pleashes? says (21:48):
night x x x x
{{Miss Lucy }} Have I built up anything in the course of a happy day that cannot be torn down by tomorrow’s inevitable sorrows? says (21:48):
night xxx