Konnichiwa, wat ashi no namae wa Cameron desu

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Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Sup dude

30 Sept 2008

Just another boring day that I can make an adventure...

Okay, this story of my day if I tell it like it is an amazing epic adventure...

so........ here it goes....

After waking up from the dark and depressing nightmare I had last night about Chav's, mazes, all nighters and being abused by my Mother (doesn't happen okay?) I throw on my school uniform and make honey on toast for breakfast. Walking to the busstop, I get attacked by harpies that try to steal all of my food, thankfully I killed two and one comited suicide because it cannot live on without her sisters*. On the bus, I had to stand up, which is unfortunate when your bus driver is a petrol head and the bus is actually Satans spawn bus**.

In school, my best friend wasn't in because he found rasputines body and clears the water from his lungs, causing him to live several other days***. At school we discussed what we shall do on saturday night for a friends birthday; we shall slay the dragon of Drake, that survives purely on pure souls and beautiful women****.

After school, I was kept in a torture chamber, strung to the corners of the room by my limbs whilst being branded in the back with a boiling fife*****. Then I got on another mechanism of hell to get home whilst I was on the phone with my girlfriend discussing how a nose ring would look on me. When I hang up, I have a flash back to my music lesson when I was simply playing the grand piano ****** and a story was writting itself in my head.

The story that unfolded in my mind was that of a romance, the story set in the 19th century about a musical composer that lives in a massive manor, whilst a femal author moves in for inspiration for her story. He despises the use of words to explain ones feelings, and she doesn't understand the use of music to explain ones feelings. When she finds him on his piano playing the weirdest music ever, he simply says he was 'writting a story with the music,'. She gets inspired and asks him more about music and he shows her, but despises her presence... until he realises that he enjoys her company. He then writes a love song for her, of course with no lyrics, mainly using the E chord because she notes that 'E is the only note that has a letter of love,'. When he explains her song, the romance grows and they deeply fall in love with eachother, but unfortunately, she has to leave; her husband is waiting. After a while, the pianist finds her house and explains to her husband that he is her piano teacher. The facade worked for a while, but when her husband caught on why they were so close, he finds the pianist tuning the authors new piano, and stabs him in the back, then walking away, leaving his knife in the pianists back. With the pianists last bit of strength, he pulls the knife out, and cuts every string for every note, other than E.

Wasn't that amazing? Now I'm bored and have cheesey pasta on my trousers. Though it looks nothing like cheesey pasta...

* Lies and greek mythology referances.
**it wasn't really that bad.
*** Evil russian monk cameo, sorry.
**** we are just doing an all nighter really. I hope my mum doesn't find this.
***** I was just in a detention... and a Fife is like a Spork but diferent, like.
****** I was just playing keyboard really.

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